Non-judgemental counselling
Non-judgemental counselling is provided to all pregnant people on the day of their consult. Opal Clinic respects each pregnant person’s right to privacy and their ability to make decisions. The purpose of the counselling session is to ensure each pregnant person is choosing to have an abortion of their own free will and provide an opportunity to discuss their feelings about the abortion decision. The session also includes information about the abortion procedure, aftercare and future contraception options.
It’s Your Choice, Your Decision
If you are unsure about whether or not to continue or terminate your pregnancy, we strongly urge you to take the time you need to explore all your options. Some people prefer to do this on their own or with trusted partners, family or friends. Others may prefer to talk to someone outside their immediate circle to help them through this process.
There are also resources online that may be helpful. The Pregnancy Options website has a workbook that can assist you in examining your situation and concerns. If you have spiritual concerns, you might find helpful discussions at Catholics For Choice or the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
Access to First Nations Health
Indigenous, Metis, and Inuit people can also access First Nations Health (FNH) at Whitehorse General Hospital for support during your appointment or on the day of the procedure. FNH can also provide NIHB navigation if required. Should you wish to have FNH involved please ask your nurse practitioner or physician or call (867) 393-8780.
Pregnancy Calculator
You can use the calculator below to estimate the number of weeks you are pregnant based on your last period. This will give you a general idea but isn't to be considered completely accurate.
The first day of your last period was: